Top Trending Frameworks

Stack Overflow is the most popular website in the developer community. Every year Stack Overflow survey developers to get insights. This survey includes a detailed analysis of the most popular technologies, web frameworks, libraries, tools, databases, platforms among developers.
We analyzed the last few surveys and filtered out the most popular web frameworks among web developers. Today, we will discuss the most demanding web framework in 2020. So if you are the one who is thinking of learning new programming languages and frameworks in the web development field, then this post is for you. 

1. Django - Python Framework

Django is a framework that helps in building quality web applications. It is widely used for the fast development of APIs and web applications. Moreover, Django is a free open source web development framework.
More than 12,000 known projects are built in the Django framework. Moreover, it is one of the older web development frameworks.
It is the top pick of many developers because of its modern view on problem-solving and constant improvements. Moreover, Django is based on Python language, which is one of the most used programming languages in the world.
Any application from small applications to large applications can create with the help of the Django framework. Python Django web Framework is a good option to start with Django development.

2. Laravel - PHP Framework

Laravel is a framework created in 2011 by Taylor Otwell. Moreover, it follows the MVC architectural pattern.
Laravel framework is useful for building fast backend web applications. Laravel framework is also known as a fully-featured backend web development framework.
There is one more framework name lumen framework which is form through the Laravel framework. Moreover, the Lumen Laravel framework is mainly preferred by the coder as it is more efficient as compared to the Laravel framework.
Laravel framework is based on PHP language, and its latest version is Laravel 7.0. The collection of free laravel tutorials is a good collection to learn laravel.

3. Rails Framework

Ruby on Rails is a very efficient web development program developed by David Heinemeier Hansson. It is a free open source MVC backend web development framework.
According to most of the developers, the Rail framework is one of the most developer-friendly programs. Moreover, the Rail framework provides developers with the pre-define solution that helps them to perform repetitive tasks.
The Rail framework is base on Ruby Language. Ruby courses can be helpful in learning ruby and building back end of web applications like Github, Shopify, and Zendesk.

4. Express framework

Express is a web development framework for Node.js. Web developers rely on Node.js because it’s light, scalable, and fast in executing the code directly on the browser.
Node.js is powerful in building network-based apps and real-time apps. So, when you want to use existing code in your Node.js-based web development, Express framework is perfect to use. 
To build real-time streaming, payment gateways, eCommerce and on-demand apps, you need the Express framework from Node.js. It is most recommended to learn Express framework in 2020.

5. React JS Framework

React is not a framework, but it is a frontend javascript library. This doesn’t mean it should not be available on the list because many developers consider React as a framework.
React is very much popular in the developer because of its revolutionary component-based architecture. Moreover, React provides a straight forward and quick interface to the developers for the creation of any program.
One more reason that why React is famous in the framework is because it is used in two big projects Facebook and Instagram. Moreover, React is developed and maintained by Facebook. For beginners, best react js tutorials is a good point to start learning React Js.


ASP.NET or .Net is the web improvement stage which empowers developers to make the best work area and versatile applications. It utilizes .net as its center framework to grow amazing applications. 
It’s an open-source server-side web application created and structured by Microsoft. Nonetheless, the decision may vary starting with one customer then onto the next and one anticipates to another. Along these lines, first, comprehend its upsides and downsides and afterward take the choice in like manner. For beginners, best ASP.NET tutorials is a good point to start learning ASP.NET.

7. Spring - Java Framework

Spring is a Model-View-Controller framework that utilizations Java, the record-breaking well-known language. Sites like Wix, TicketMaster, and BillGuard are clients of this framework. 
Spring has numerous sister extends that lift its presentation and let you scale your business rapidly. The way that it utilizes Java, a specific language, is a serious expert to many web developers. The expectation to absorb information may be very steep tho, particularly in the event that you don’t know Java. 
For beginners in Java, learning Spring is very easy by taking Spring tutorials master class.

8. Vue.js - JavaScript framework

Vue.js framework is the newest framework for web development. It is getting trendy among developers due to its great features.
Vue.js is a progressive framework that means if you already have a project, then you can use Vue on only one portion of that project, and everything will work just fine without any lag or other problem.
Vue has a straightforward architecture, and it is very easy to solve issues on Vue. However, with these many useful features, still, people do not invest in this as big companies like Facebook and Google do not support it.
Still, without the support of these big companies, the growth and popularity of Vue.js are increasing day by day, and it is worth to learn Vue Js and I am sure after sometime developers start trusting on Vue.js framework.

9. Flask - Python Framework

A python developer Armin Ronacher created a flask framework in 2004. It helps developers to create a very lightweight backend web applications.
Flask framework allows developers to create scalable and customized web applications. 
Moreover, the Flask framework is not only quickly set up, but it is also truly flexible.
Flask Framework is based on Python language. Just like Django, for beginners, it is easy to learn Flask with basic knowledge of Python

10. PLAY

Play is one of the advanced web application framework written in Java and Scala. It follows the MVC design and intends to upgrade developer profitability by utilizing show over setup, hot code reloading and display of blunders in the program. Play cites itself as “The High-Velocity Web Framework” 
The arrangement and application reloading occurs off-camera. Play is worked for the cutting edge web by being non-blocking, RESTful of course, and having worked in resource compilers for present-day customer side advancements like Typescript, Coffee Script and LESS. It is easy to learn Play for beginners.

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