
trojan horse

A Trojan is a malicious program misguided as some very important application. Trojans comes on the backs of other programs and are installed on a system without the User’s knowledge. Trojans are malicious pieces of code used to install hacking software on a target system and aid the Hacker in gaining and retaining access to that system. Trojans and their counterparts are important pieces of the Hacker’s tool-kit. 

Purpose of Trojans

  • Steal information such as passwords, security codes, credit card information using keyloggers.
  • Use victim´s PC as a botnet to perform DDoS attacks.
  • Delete or replace OS critical files.
  • Generate fake traffic to create DoS.
  • Download spyware, adware and malware.
  • Record screenshots, audio and video of victim´s PC.
  • Disable firewall and antivirus.
  • Infect victim´s PC as a proxy server for relaying attacks.
  • Use victim´s PC as a botnet to perform DoS, spamming and blasting email messages.

There are various types of Trojans like:

  • Hypervisor Trojan
  • HTTP/HTTPS Trojan
  • Remote access Trojan
  • FTP Trojans
  • VNC Trojans
  • Banking Trojans
  • DOM based Trojan
  • Destructive Trojan
  • Botnet Trojan
  • Proxy Trojan
  • Data hiding Trojan


  • Avoid opening emails from unknown users.
  • Do not download free software’s from untrusted sites.
  • Always use a Premium Antivirus.
  • Keep OS updates.
  • Always upgrade and keep firewalls, IDS and anti-virus updated with latest patches and signatures.
  • Block all unnecessary ports.

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